Mastering Face Recognition: A Step-by-Step Guide to Feeding DeepFace.find() with Extracted Faces
Image by Dejohn -

Mastering Face Recognition: A Step-by-Step Guide to Feeding DeepFace.find() with Extracted Faces

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DeepFace is an incredible tool for face recognition, but have you ever struggled to feed the extracted faces into the DeepFace.find() function? Worry no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the process of feeding DeepFace.find() the faces extracted by DeepFace.extract_faces(). By the end of this article, you’ll be a pro at face recognition and ready to take on even the most challenging projects.

Understanding DeepFace.extract_faces()

Before we dive into feeding DeepFace.find(), it’s essential to understand how DeepFace.extract_faces() works. This function is responsible for detecting and extracting faces from an input image. The extracted faces are then stored in a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary contains the face image, face location, and other relevant information.

import deepface

img = "/path/to/image.jpg"
faces = deepface.extract_faces(img_path=img)


In the above code, we’re using the DeepFace library to extract faces from an input image. The `extract_faces()` function returns a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a detected face.

Understanding DeepFace.find()

DeepFace.find() is a powerful function that takes a list of face images as input and identifies the faces based on a set of predefined face embeddings. The function returns a list of face predictions, where each prediction includes the face image, face location, and other relevant information.

import deepface

faces_to_find = [...]  # list of face images
predictions = deepface.find(faces_to_find)


In the above code, we’re using the DeepFace library to identify the faces in the input list. The `find()` function returns a list of face predictions, where each prediction includes the face image, face location, and other relevant information.

Feeding DeepFace.find() with Extracted Faces

Now that we understand how DeepFace.extract_faces() and DeepFace.find() work, it’s time to feed the extracted faces into the DeepFace.find() function. Here’s a step-by-step guide to do so:

  1. Extract Faces from an Input Image

    Use DeepFace.extract_faces() to extract faces from an input image.

        import deepface
        img = "/path/to/image.jpg"
        faces = deepface.extract_faces(img_path=img)

    In the above code, we’re extracting faces from an input image using DeepFace.extract_faces().

  2. Extract the Face Images from the Faces List

    Loop through the faces list and extract the face images.

        face_images = []
        for face in faces:
            face_image = face["image"]

    In the above code, we’re looping through the faces list and extracting the face images. We’re storing the face images in a separate list called `face_images`.

  3. Feed the Face Images into DeepFace.find()

    Feed the extracted face images into the DeepFace.find() function.

        predictions = deepface.find(face_images)

    In the above code, we’re feeding the extracted face images into the DeepFace.find() function. The function returns a list of face predictions, where each prediction includes the face image, face location, and other relevant information.

Example Code

Here’s an example code that puts it all together:

import deepface

# Extract faces from an input image
img = "/path/to/image.jpg"
faces = deepface.extract_faces(img_path=img)

# Extract the face images from the faces list
face_images = []
for face in faces:
    face_image = face["image"]

# Feed the face images into DeepFace.find()
predictions = deepface.find(face_images)

# Print the face predictions

Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind when feeding DeepFace.find() with extracted faces:

  • Make sure the input image is of high quality and well-lit. Poor image quality can lead to inaccurate face detection and extraction.

  • Adjust the `detector_backend` parameter in DeepFace.extract_faces() to optimize face detection for your specific use case.

  • Use the `model_name` parameter in DeepFace.find() to specify the face recognition model to use for face prediction.

  • Experiment with different face recognition models and parameters to optimize the accuracy of face predictions.


In this article, we’ve covered the process of feeding DeepFace.find() with extracted faces. By following the step-by-step guide and tips, you should be able to master face recognition and take on even the most challenging projects. Remember to experiment with different face recognition models and parameters to optimize the accuracy of face predictions. Happy coding!

Function Description
DeepFace.extract_faces() Extracts faces from an input image and returns a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a detected face.
DeepFace.find() Identifies the faces in the input list based on a set of predefined face embeddings and returns a list of face predictions.

Note: This article is for educational purposes only and should not be used for any malicious or unethical activities. Face recognition technology should be used responsibly and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of face recognition with DeepFace! If you’re wondering how to feed the faces extracted by DeepFace.extract_faces() into DeepFace.find(), you’re in the right place.

Q: What is the output of DeepFace.extract_faces() that I can use as input for DeepFace.find()?

The output of DeepFace.extract_faces() is a list of face embeddings, which are 128-dimensional vectors representing the extracted faces. You can use these face embeddings as input for DeepFace.find() to identify the faces.

Q: Do I need to preprocess the face embeddings before passing them to DeepFace.find()?

No, you don’t need to preprocess the face embeddings. DeepFace.extract_faces() already normalizes the face embeddings, so they’re ready to be used as input for DeepFace.find(). Just pass them in and let DeepFace do its magic!

Q: What is the recommended format for passing the face embeddings to DeepFace.find()?

The recommended format is a numpy array or a list of numpy arrays, where each array represents a face embedding. You can also pass in a pandas DataFrame with a single column containing the face embeddings.

Q: Can I use DeepFace.find() with a single face embedding or do I need a batch of face embeddings?

Both! You can use DeepFace.find() with a single face embedding or a batch of face embeddings. If you’re working with a single face, just pass in the face embedding as a numpy array or a list containing the single face embedding.

Q: What does DeepFace.find() return when I pass in the face embeddings?

When you pass in the face embeddings to DeepFace.find(), it returns a list of dictionaries containing the face recognition results. Each dictionary includes the distance, threshold, and verified status for the identified face.